Restoring your smile and boosting your confidence
If you have one or two teeth missing, a dental bridge is a permanent alternative to a removable partial denture. The teeth either side of the gap will be crowned and a false tooth (or teeth) will be fixed in the middle, thus creating the ‘bridge’ to close the space and restore your smile.
Dental bridges are designed to look and feel extremely natural, so no one will ever know you had a missing tooth in the first place!
Bridges are only suitable for patients with strong teeth with good bone support either side of the area to be bridged.
Dental bridges at Aviva Dentistry are hand crafted in the laboratory. We will take an intraoral scan of your teeth using our state-of-the-art Primescan and send this to the dental technician. A second appointment will be required to fit the final bridge.
Dental bridges are just one solution for missing teeth. At Aviva Dentistry, we will discuss all of the options available to you in order to decide the best course of treatment for your individual needs.